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Award-winning | think spirit Diana7 won the iF design award 2022
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Diana 7

Diana 7 is a force-controlled robot arm with 7 degrees of freedom, 7 joints, and a 7 kg payload. Its key features include collision detection, torque sensors integrated into each joint to ensure safe interaction with unknown and dynamic environments in real-time, a hand-guided teaching model, and a user-friendly shape design. It can be intuitively programmed using a graphical user interface. Combined with different end effectors, such as grippers or hands, it can carry out a wide range of tasks covering the full bandwidth between cobots and industrial robots, making it a versatile tool for flexible automation.




Established in 1953, the iF Design Award, or "iF", is held annually by the iF Industrie Forum Design, Germany's oldest industrial Design institution, and has since become a global symbol of Design excellence。

One of the most influential competitions is the German iF Design Award。

Known for its "independent, rigorous and reliable" concept, it aims to enhance the public's understanding of design and is known as the "Golden Award" of international industrial design. At present, it is an international design award along with RedDot (RedDot) design award in Germany. It is one of the most influential design competitions in the world。